Well said, it may be even worse than that. The people talking ‘sh..’ about Mr Dildo at the party will actually walk up to him and smile and say hi after dissing him to their friends. Instead of truly asking how it’s going or congratulating him on his latest success asking how or if they could help. God forbid they gain a good friend out of the process of truly caring. I met many mentors by just that process of engagement. Very important topic in these days of divide and conquer. Thanks.

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Well said, and Jeff Bezos is the perfect example to use for this topic. It reminds me of a quote, "There's two ways to build the tallest building in the world, work really hard and build something from the bottom floor to the clouds, or tear down all other buildings taller than yours." Far too often people opt for the latter when they should be focused on the first option.

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Charli Muger said the same: People say greed drives the world. That is wrong, envy is far stronger ........

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I will say this, I agree there are many folks who are incredibly jealous of anyone more successful than they are, especially monetarily. personally, I have never understood that stance, but I'm confident I have many other flaws

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Another awesome article! I believe Ayn Rand coined the phrase "Hatred of the good for being the good."

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I wrote a comment in your book plug on how I wish I didn't sell my house. I was the subject of the neighbor's wrath. 7 house gated community. One gossip neighbor. It was one of the intangibles of selling. I was the guy in the adult industry (not selling dildo's, but original film and prints from the 60's and 70's on eBay (Risquebid) and my site I just started RisqueBay. Art nude originals.

I may never have a house on the water again, but I wouldn't want those assholes in my life. One of my neighbors was Rickie Fowler from 2010 - 2016... His roommate Morgan Hoffman totaled my boat and he would not put it through his insurance because he didn't want his insurance to go up. Total dick. I did have a bit of bitterness towards Rickie and was glad when he stunk it up on the course, but when he won this past year I did say "Good for him" and meant it. People can gossip and tear you down, but it is their insecurities (like you mentioned) where they are the problem. Al Cheech

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Just to clarify Morgan Hoffman was riding Rickie's jetski...Rickie didn't want it thriugh insurance. Morgan was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy and I have only wished him the best. Rickie was a dick IMO, but doesn't rent any space in my head. I wish him the best too.

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I am a fucking piker. The best.

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I’ll never be a writer nearly as you. This is a pretty broad brush, painting a pretty high bandwidth observation.

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Another wrinkle in this is that in a very real sense the whole leftist impulse going at least back to the French Revolution has had a strong strand of hatred of the sacred and a delight in the profane. You’ll never convince me that the criminal defense team that specializes in getting known criminals off, the teacher who delights in teaching trans values, the community organizer who teaches kids they can’t win because of racism... are not themselves on the sociopath spectrum. There is in the heart of the left a desire to see fine things dragged in the mud...nobody who hasn’t batted from the left side in their youth is likely to understand this, and nobody who still bends sinister will ever admit its truth...in many cases they aren’t even aware of their motivations.

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The elephant in the room is that you’re talking about the core of the Democrat party. To be accurate in this assessment we must include the business-hating dummies Trump dragged from the dormant periphery of the Democrat coalition into the open. I think in polite company they’re called populists, which I guess is a term of art for liberals that still know the difference between boys and girls.

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I'm a happy Amazon customer and I don't begrudge anyone's success, including Bezos... I do however have a serious problem with what the Washington Post has become under his ownership. It's gone from tolerably left leaning to extreme far-left, hyper-partisan propaganda unfit to line a bird cage. Not sure how much involvement he has in the day to day ops, but he's certainly allowed the transformation.

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Good heavens. The WaPo is completely centrist by most standards. Only in the US would anyone think its in any way “ extreme” :) Aroha from New Zealand

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This was completely true a decade ago...

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The plandemic was the greatest wealth transfer in history, trillions went to mr amazon and his buddies, also btw the average person is not a "piece of shit", they are just trying to survive while elites follow Marx's advice and crush the middle class with high inflation and taxes.

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Very well said!

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