Really enjoy your articles. Your writing resonate a lot with my experiences. I feel like you are speaking my mind and more.

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This should be a college graduation speech

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Fuck, these essays are good shit. Good on you not paywalling the access, the ones who would pay wouldn't care and the ones who don't pay are we who need to hear these the most.

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Holy cow, this is your best writing ever. Thanks for sharing this one with everyone.

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All good stuff Jared...especially on Neil Strauss. To this day, I can't help but think of Strauss's "The Game" when I see/hear Courtney Love. I'm no longer surprised how many new sales hires I speak to have never read Dale Carnegie or Tony Alessandra-foundational material. Conclusion? Making and maintaining friendships is viewed as "work," and most people don't want to put in the work.

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