Things get more complicated with kids. I commuted to make sure they were growing up in a green, oxygen producing enviroment with walking to school and the ice rink. We also drove a big Suburban for safety and room. The commute gave me down time from work stress before getting home to family stress. Yes, it was 3 hrs of my day but 30 minutes were forced exersie to and from the train. Finally, it might have been George Carlin, who said I like people, just not groups of people. I don't leave my house now either.

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Like that George Carlin line. Do you find any costs to not leaving the house, or does it work out well for you?

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I’m another INTJ, and strongly suspect I’m somewhere on the spectrum to boot, so I can relate. I completely suck at small talk. I learned how to manage people over time because it was the only way to progress in corporate life, and I’ve even had numerous people tell me I was the best manager they ever had. But damn it was hard … like writing with my feet hard. I’m running my own business now and found that after all these years, I’m really better as a one-man band than an orchestra leader after all.

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I guess deep down inside I'm an introvert. The thought of working surrounded by all those people as you described made me shudder. I also can't imagine a commute of 2 hours one way. Yikes! I got a little spoiled at my last job. It was a ten minute commute, 15-20 if there was a snow storm. Hubby works from home and is like you. Rolls out of bed, puts on shorts and a t-shirt and strolls down the hall a couple of feet.

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You are like the poster child for INTJs lmao.. I'm glad there's someone I can point to next time I meet someone who confuses introvert with shy..

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As an introvert I completely relate. Ran a company very hands off for 17 years. Was happy to sell & not have employees even though I liked most of them very much.

Now divorced, I live in a 2300 sq ft home by myself. The first year took some real adjustment after 35 years together. Now, dog & I are good. Life is peaceful, and like you, I too live in my head.

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Sounds like you’ve found a place of peace. Congrats. A lot of people never get there.

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Having been in sales for well over 40 years, I can tell you that good salespeople are not extroverts or introverts-like chameleons they are both depending on the selling situation. This skill among many others is the reason the vast majority of people wash out of the profession in short order.

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Great essay, Jared. Have you read Susan Cain? (Quiet, Introvert Entrepreneur etc). I haven’t, because I thought I was an introvert but realised I need the butts to nuts stuff. I’ve got a weird combo going on - I need solitude to get the work done, but I need to be around other people to build up the energy to work.

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Do INTJs get along with each other?

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