Speaking of framing: I think it depends on how you frame "success." If you mean someone who's ultra-rich, with two yachts and a private jet for their cats, well, yeah, then maybe you're a failure. But if you define success as someone who has never gotten corrupted by the corrupt industry he worked in... someone who has known true love and has been happily married for the greater portion of his life... someone who hasn't given enough fucks about money to surrender his honesty, integrity, and humanity... then I'd say you are an amazing success. :)

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I think you are a fucking inspiration. And awesome writer, for the record.

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Sheesh! I wish I was 1/2 that failure in life.

Let’s see:

Have I written and published a book ? Nope.

A second or third book ? Nope.

Put out any music ? Nope.

Ever DJ’d a party ? Nope

Attended a military college ? Nope

Had a podcast ? Nope

Had a 2cd podcast ? Nope

Had a radio show ? Nope

Been an invited paid speaker at a conference?N.

Put together and hosted a conference ? Nope

Written a financial newsletter ? Nope

Worked at a major Wall Street firm? Nope

Built a house ? Nope.

Built a Twitter following? Nope

Gotten a MFA ? Nope

Published on Substack? Nope.

Hung out w the likes of John Mauldin? Nope.

Owned 7 cats ( simultaneously )???? Nope.

Have stylish clothes and watches? Nope.

Man I’m so glad I missed out on all those “ failures”.

Dude...do you even sleep ????

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Street Freak is an amazing book. I talk about it all the time. Keep going!

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Believe me I can tell, in ten more years you'll be an overnight success. Maybe 20, but I'm never wrong about these things, just early sometimes.

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You are pretty exceptional in my book.

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I still remember the day that I realized I only met the love of my life because I was avoiding my family. If I had the kind of family I thought I wanted, I would not have been in Southern California over Christmas rock climbing where I met my future husband. 34 years married and still having adventures together.

I am shocked, shocked Street Freak did not sell better, it is a work of genius. That book made you so totally likable that it was my gateway to your newsletter.

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I agree with VP Boyle.

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When you win …. you win.

When you lose… you learn.

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How can you be a failure if I read all your stuff for more than the last year. I learn from you.

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i love ATEOTW. as a long-time denizen of wall st, i have a special appreciation for the freak nature of the characters and recognize most. i can also see why people outside that environment don't get it (or the amazing temporal structure), though it's plenty salacious! i don't know much about Barry Hannah. did he consider himself a failure? did he write for himself, for commercial success, for other writers? i'm going to guess that he wrote because that's who he was. you're a super prolific writer and i've enjoyed an overwhelming majority of it. keep writing -- it makes the world a better place.

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Great post. Reminded me a little bit of the great Michael Jordan commercial from years ago.

'In the course of my career, I have failed over and over again. And that is why I succeed'.

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Enjoyed this. A recent subscriber here. Hooked me when you mentioned spurring ppl. Brought back some great memories.

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I haven't subscribed - to keep my inbox clean - but I've bookmarked your substack and read all your essays.

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In our culture we fail too often when it comes to acknowledging our fellow human's gifts. It is a "capital-dominant" realm, which translates as-- Success is measured with regard to media presence. The trendy credibility that comes with magazine or television presence--to include FB and Twitter-- are part and parcel of an advancing AI-Tech managed social hierarchy. Social engineering as a systematic programming tool of a deep state, corporate hive mind construct has almost rendered we humans as unnecessary life forms within the design of the matrix. "Failure" needs to be retired from the collective jargon sphere, and replaced with "process." Life is a Process. Enjoyed your thoughts and the candid commentary on the foibles and flaws of any human being.

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Another great piece, thanks Jared.

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